Thursday, December 6, 2018


im looking for new ways to fail.
beeeeeee autiful

i have succeeded
in failing at
the simple
the unimportant
at the lowest of stakes

i wouldn't change
a single thing

i met you

failed in love
failed at you
failed to couple

succeeded in staying single

i wouldn't change a thing
no not a single thing

i want to change alllll of it

Saturday, June 16, 2018

cobra in the house

awe the corba
so so so


awe the cobra
as he brushes
her golden hair.

awe in awe
her flowing

so goes the cobra

jam am jam

but surely
as the the round about goes round

bur surely
as the clop clop, clops upon the side walks

we sure

we still

surely not sorely

Saturday, April 28, 2018


The world needed your light, and you shined
when you were needed, like the sun.

Your light nourishes,
so that each seed of knowledge grew in the minds of children you taught.

Your light radiates,
so that everyone you met felt the warmth of your heart.

Your light illuminates,
so that many could find there way to better place in life.

Your light shines upon the beautiful things in life.

The world needed your light, and you shined when you were needed- but you will always be needed.

But it is now time to reflect,
like the sun reflects off the moon,
you are always there, everywhere, ready to great us again
and again with your great light and love.

Monday, March 12, 2018

disaster cake show

The show is about making a cake wreck-
total disaster
smash smash

bake that cake 
for goodness sake,
bake bake bake

bleed if you must
into the crust
bleed if your cut that hand
bleed if you cant understand

The judge wears big glasses
the better to see your disaster with
The French chef is french
the better to punk your ass with
The judge is looking for a boyfriend
the better to be better in this or any weahter.

Show me your wreck
show me your apocolypse
Show me your smash smash

Show me