Sunday, November 10, 2024



And everyone 

Is enemy


You there


Look out! 

Everyone up in this bi…

Is enemy of an enemy.

Eyes for eyes 

Tears for fears 

Every man for themselves 

Gator Talk

 Well isn’t that 

The biggest pile of 

Cow pucky

Well it sounds like hear say is what that sounds like

Hey kid 

Yeah you 

Don’t think it’s true

Do you? 



I’ve heard around the 


Well that’s just gator talk? 

What’s that you say? 


Talk you know? 

Gator talk…

The Grand Adios

 There will

Be a king 

Holy fuck how?

Did you?

Was it you?

And now.,.

And now what 

Was it nice knowing you? 

Was it? 

The grand audios 

For you it was grand,

Till then 

Till now-

Adventure advertised

 They were 

Advertising adventures 

The whole she bang 

The whole kit and kab

The whole enchilada 

Come  ye 

Come on  ye 


The adventure is coming 

To your town 

Your shore

Your grocers freezer

It’s advertised right here in 

This advertisement.

It has 

Coupons too